The moment you come to Christ; you have authority and control over the devil. Mark 16 :17; 1 John 4:4

We have what it takes to cast out Satan. So, if you do have the power then you have control over Satan.

To have an upper hand over the devil, you must have superiority mentality and resist him. Eph 4: 27; James 4:7

You can keep the devil away from your space by:

  • Gird up the loins of your mind. *1 Perter 1:13*;
  • Laugh at destruction and famine. *Job 5:22*;
  • Speak to the situation. *Isaiah 7:27*

Understand that your mind is the entry point of Satan. You either shut the door against him or you open the door to him. So, don’t meditate upon the antics of the devil.

Replace the thoughts of captivity with the thoughts of freedom and the thought of poverty with the thoughts of prosperity as written in the word of God.

Replace the thought of death with thought of long life because you are a seed of Abraham. Gen 25:7-8; 1 Corinthians 15:54; Isaiah 65:25

The host of darkness are dominating most Christian because we don’t know what we have in Christ Jesus.

You stand against the tests and trials of life that come your way by girding up the loins of your mind and speaking against them using the word of God.


When you are generous, you are provoking the miraculous. 2 Kings 4: 8 -37; 2 Kings 8: 1-6

We make living by what we get but we make life by what we give.

Through generosity, adversity and destruction can be canceled. Psalm 41: 1-3

You can terminate hardship in your life by living a life of generosity.

You can terminate bareness in your life by living a life of generosity. 2 Kings 4:8-37

The key to enlargement is generosity.

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